Eras operates on a scheduled event basis. When you can't participate in an event for which you have bought a ticket, we require the purchaser to contact staff@eraschronicles.com. Ticket refunds, minus Wix's service fee (approximately $3) can be given up to two weeks before an event, or the purchaser may choose to accept the full payment credited for the following event. After two weeks, your ticket payment has already gone into the renting of the site and the production of the event. Private cabin rentals are entirely non-refundable.
If a ticket purchaser cannot attend, a limited re-sale of tickets - with the exception of season passes - is allowed with permission. However, there are no transfers after the Monday prior to the intended event. Please contact the staff directly (staff@eraschronicles.com), so that they may help facilitate ticket transfer to the next person on the waitlist. The receiving player will not receive any letters, between-game writeups, or experiment results.
If Eras Chronicles LLC must cancel an event, notice will be given to all ticket purchasers via e-mail, posting on the Facebook group and the Discord server. An update on refunds will be communicated to all purchasers within two weeks of the announcement